Here in Northern California, Fall is known as the high season of Night Photography. Not only are the nights getting longer, but along the coast the night weather actually gets better because it's not unusual for the summer skies to be completely overcast up here. For anyone interested in getting started with night photography, or if you'd like to improve your craft, there's at least five night photography workshops on the calendar.
(Typical California summer night sky. Photo by Andy Frazer)First,
Troy Paiva and
Joe Reifer are leading a one-night workshop at the Big M Automotive yard (Williams, CA) on Saturday, September 5th. But that's already sold out. So, moving on...
Second, the same Paiva-Reifer team are leading another waiting-list-as-usual light painting workshop at the
Pearsonville Salvage Yard October 3-4 in Ridgecrest, CA. But that's already sold out, as well. At least they're creating a waiting list for the next one.
Third, Mark Jaremko and Tim Baskerville of
The Nocturnes are leading a one-night workshop in San Francisco on September 26th which is
geared towards digital shooting and digital post-processing. Tim has been teaching night workshops for over ten years. And Mark Jaremko knows probably more about the digital technical side of night photography than anyone I know.
Fourth, and for those East Coast shooters, Gabriel Biderman is leading a
night photography workshop in the New York Catskills on October 31, 2009. Two years ago, Joe Reifer and I shot with Gabriel up at Sutro Baths in San Francisco. If you're in New York or Vermont and you'd like to get into night photography, this is a great opportunity.
(Bodie Outhose, by Andy Frazer)Fifth, night photography tour master Lance Keimig is leading another
Night Photography - Digital Workflow workshop in the Mono Lake, CA area on October 1-4th. This trip includes one night shooting at Bodie ghost town, and one in Yosemite (as well as one at Mono Lake). In the past, I've attended two of Lance's workshops at Mono Lake. The landscape up there is nothing short of spectacular, and it deserves to be photographed at night.
As usual, if you sign up for any of these workshops, tell them you heard about it from me!