Another talented Bay Area night photographer, Joe Reifer, recently launched his personal blog
I've been shooting at night with Joe for almost two years. Last year, Joe was instrumental in bringing together many old and new night photographers in the Bay Area. Some of these photographers brought a level of enthusiasm to the party that really seems to have invigorated the Bay Area night photography community.
(Unauthorized photo of Joe Reifer, by Susanna Friedrich)A few months after I first met Joe, he arranged for a few of us to have the opportunity to photograph Preston Castle at night. Not only had I never shot there before, but I had never even heard of Preston Castle. I also thank Joe for introducing me to my favorite online photo-sharing site (
Flickr!), my favorite digital processing lab for inexpensive proofs (
WHCC), and for giving me advice that ultimately saved me $150 when I bought a new flash last summer. If I keep going, he'll probably get a big head. So I'll stop right here with the accolades.
(Preston Castle photo: Andy Frazer. Million thanks: Joe Reifer) Perpendicularity will cover many topics in addition to photography: including music, techie toys and, knowing Joe, camera equipment. But knowing Joe's passion for night photography, I'm sure there will be plenty of nocturnal news, too.
Joe will also be participating in
Studio Nocturne this weekend at Fort Mason, in San Francisco, CA. Studio Nocturne will include night photography by thirteen photographers. I will not be displaying any of my work at Studio Nocturne, but I will be hanging around on Saturday (October 21). Admission is free.