Monday, September 25, 2006

Another Night Photography Blog???

It's true! After hosting the world's premier on-line resource for night photography for ten years, The Nocturnes now have their own night photography blog.

(photo: Tim Baskerville)

For years Tim has been actively teaching college-level night photography courses and workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as Los Angeles, the eastern Sierras, Joshua Tree National Park, Cape Cod, and even Ireland. In addition to organizing numerous public exhibitions of night photography, and hosting the best on-line resource of night photography material, he has now joined the blogosphere. So, now he's all set.

In fact, last July Tim was kind enough to arrange for me to videotape a meeting with pioneering night photographer Steve Harper. This material will be available next month in the next installment of my night photography documentary film The Night of the Living Photographers

Along with the Nighthawks and this blog, the night photography universe has three blogs.


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