Saturday, June 04, 2011

L.A. Night Photography Workshop - August 26-28, 2011

Tom Paiva and I are excited to announce our second L.A. Night Photography Workshop will be held August 26-28, 2011. If you missed our workshop last October, this is your chance to work on your urban night photography at various locations throughout Los Angeles, California, including a trip to a special industrial site that is off-limits to the general public.

(Photo by Tom Paiva)

For more information, including times, dates, requirements, enrollment and photos from last year's workshop, please visit the LA Night Photography Workshop web site. You may notice that one change to this year's workshop features a snazzier web site designed by the very talented Susanne Friedrich at Red Princess Productions.

(Photo by Andy Frazer)
You can also email me (andyfrazer [at] gorillasites [dot] com) with any questions about this workshop


  1. Great blog, Andy - thanks for sharing all this great info. I've only ever tried my hand at city night photography but this has inspired me to get out into the country some night soon. Cheers, Ross

  2. Third Try!

    Troy, Thank you for mentioning your participation in and learning from my Semester-length Night Photography classes at the Academy of Art College. It is an honor for me to have you say I influenced your illustrious Night Photography experiments.

    Andy, Thank you for another in-depth interview with a photo- grapher who has furthered Night Photography by stretching the limits and exercising his/her creativity.

    You have the makings of a very meaningful book coming to fruition!
