Sunday, April 25, 2010

Max Lyons

We've recently seen quite a few night photographers use multi-frame panoramas in their work. One of the best resources for panoramic photographers is Max Lyons' panorama image gallery and forums. Max is also the author of the great PTAssembler panorama stitching software, as well as the ImageStacker software which is great for creating long stair trails.

So, what happens when you combine a panoramic set of images, with stacked star trails, along with night photography? Max produced this stunning shot from Great Falls in (I assume) Montana:

(Great Falls Startrails, by Max Lyons)

If you have any serious interest in panoramic photography, I would definitely suggest checking out the forums on Max's site.


  1. Chris Gagnon11:57 AM

    This stuff is simply breathtaking. No other way to describe it. The WW II portraits are haunting and not a little ethereal.
    So, Andy, you still have time to play the guitar anymore?

    Chris Gagnon '80

  2. Chris,

    Wow! Long time no hear. Thanks for looking up my blog. How can I contact you? I'm at andyfrazer [at] gorillasites [dot] com.

    Andy Frazer '80

  3. Anonymous4:50 AM

    As misleading as the star trails are, it's really stunning. Looks like an alternate universe, where the sky turns in little vortices.

  4. Great advice and even better night capture of the stars to go along with it. Thanks for the advice and the stunning long-exposure shot!

  5. This is a wonderful panoramic shot of a night sky. Imagestacker software has created beautiful effect on the pic. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Awesome shot! not just spiral but wavy. excellent work buddy :)
