Night Photography Blog Christmas Give-Away
Although I'm a bit late for Christmas, the Night Photography Blog is giving away a copy of Alex Larg's book Night Shots (Pro-Lighting Series). I bought this book about five or six years ago. Although I found it very useful when I was beginning night photography, I feel that I really need to make more room on my photography bookshelf (shelves).

I'll give it away (including postage) to one lucky blog reader out in internet-land. If you're interested, please send an email (andyfrazer [at] gorillasites [dot] com) with the string "NIGHT SHOTS" in the title. On New Year's Day, I'll have one of the neighborhood kids (and we have plenty of them) randomly choose one name out of a hat. If you win, I'll then contact you asking for a mailing address. There's no need to send me your mailing address unless you win. And, once again, I'll even pick up the cost of the postage.
There's no catch. It's just that I need to get rid of some books, and I can't be bothered putting it on e-Bay just to make a few dollars profit. I'd rather give it away to someone who would really want it.
I'll probably be giving away a few more books in the future.

I'll give it away (including postage) to one lucky blog reader out in internet-land. If you're interested, please send an email (andyfrazer [at] gorillasites [dot] com) with the string "NIGHT SHOTS" in the title. On New Year's Day, I'll have one of the neighborhood kids (and we have plenty of them) randomly choose one name out of a hat. If you win, I'll then contact you asking for a mailing address. There's no need to send me your mailing address unless you win. And, once again, I'll even pick up the cost of the postage.
There's no catch. It's just that I need to get rid of some books, and I can't be bothered putting it on e-Bay just to make a few dollars profit. I'd rather give it away to someone who would really want it.
I'll probably be giving away a few more books in the future.

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